Monday, October 20, 2008

Thousands of eligible kids miss health coverage

About 85,000 children remain without health insurance in Minnesota, and about half would qualify for state coverage but their families have not applied.
With schools back in session, the number of uninsured children puts a burden on school nurses, who now are being used as urgent care and primary care providers, with children coming in after a weekend with injuries or illnesses that should have been addressed earlier.
Reforms initiated in the past couple of years have simplified the procedure for applying for the state’s health insurance programs, but Rep. Paul Thissen, DFL-Minneapolis, chairman of the House Health Care and Human Services Policy Committee, said at a State Capitol news conference that obstacles should be removed to gaining access, including the length of waiting periods and rising premiums in the program.
“There is a responsibility beyond the Legislature,” Thissen added. “Community and families need to step up and make sure they are doing what’s right for their kids and for all of our kids.”

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